Packing is probably one of the things I hate most about travelling, actually its probably one of my most hated things in life! I will always leave it to the last minute which usually means I panic and over pack, thinking I will need about 100 pairs of underwear. However, since I'm going away for a long period of time and will experience different climates I thought I'd better be a bit more organised! This post will take you through my packing essentials and tips that will hopefully make my life a bit easier when I travel.
For Christmas I was lucky enough to get a North Face 65l Terra Backpack. I never use suitcases anymore because they are such a hassle to carry! I'm also taking my North Face Lineage 16" Backpack which I've used as hand luggage on trips before.
Lineage Terra 65l
TOP TIP: Do not pay full price for these bags! A quick google search for the bag you want will give you other websites where you can buy the bag for cheaper and you can often use discount codes. I got my North Face Lineage backpack at an online store called Wardow for cheaper. I also got my Terra Backpack at Wembley's designer outlet which meant I got it for less money and I could use my student discount!
Before you start anything, get yourself some packing cubes! IKEA do a great set of 6 for only £6! Usually on amazon you'll get a set of 4-6 for around £15-£20 so the IKEA set is definitely great value for money. I bought 2 packs, so I have the option of 12 bags. The bigger bags are great for heavier stuff like jeans and jumpers and the smaller bags are great for t-shirts and underwear etc.
TOP TIP: use a greater number of smaller bags rather then one big bag to pack your stuff in because it makes it easier for you to use up the maximum amount of space in your backpack as you can stuff them in smaller spaces.
Here's a review on YouTube if you want to check them out for yourself.
I've made a list of everything that I count as essential for a multi-climate trip:
❒ Adaptors:
Skyscanner has a great table that tells you which country uses which plug. Click here to view it. For my trip to America I will need A/B (2 pin plug) and for New Zealand I will need I (3 pin plug)
❒ Extension lead! This has proved so useful on all of my trips. It means you only have to use one adaptor and you get extra plugs! I have an extension lead with a relatively short lead and 5 plugs which means I can plug it into the wall socket and charge my laptop, phone, batteries, camera and portable charger all at the same time!
❒ Portable phone charger: I picked a decent one up at tkmaxx
❒ Water proof mac: Get a light one so that it doesn't take up a lot of space in your bag!
❒ Walking shoes/Trainers
❒ Sleeping bag liner
❒ Chilly water bottle - or anything other reusable bottle that keeps cold water cold and hot drinks hot!
❒ Hairbrush
❒ Painkillers
❒ Camera and charger
❒ Mini deodorant, moisturiser and tooth paste to take on the flight with you! I will be travelling for over 24 hours so will definitely need this!
❒ First aid kit: I've got plasters, bandage, bonjela (for mouth ulcers), anthisan cream (for bites), gaviscon (for heart burn), loads of paracetamol and ibuprofen, sterilising pads. I would also recommend getting some sun-cream/aloe vera cream. But you can often buy this whilst travelling.
❒ Ear buds - especially if you're staying in hostels. But good ear plugs also work! ❒ Swim suit
❒ Sunglasses
❒ Underwater camera/ dry bag/ dry phone see-through case to put your phone in! - I got this one
❒ Padlock
❒ Reading material / travel guide/ journal / phrase book
❒ Mosquito net - Can not emphasise enough how rough of a night I've had from sleeping at hostels without a mosquito net! I picked one up from Mountain Warehouse and it attaches nicely to the outside of my bag, hardly taking up any space.
❒ Clothes
❒ Underwear / socks. I took enough to last me 2 weeks. You never know how long you'll need to last before you can wash your clothes!
❒ Laptop - People might disagree with this, but taking my 14" screen laptop has proven so useful! I can download Netflix and watch it whilst waiting at airports. I also write emails and use it for uni work. It never gets damaged or lost or stolen. It's not too big and fits nicely in my hand luggage bag. Just look after it whilst you're away and its great!